Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Future: Life Skills Through Video Games

Artist, film maker and game designer Michael Highland discusses the significant impact video games have in programming the brain in his film As Real as Your Life:

The beauty and reality of video games today lies not in the lifelike graphics, the vibrating joysticks or the virtual surround sound, it lies in that these games are beginning to make me emotional.  What is sadder is that my inability to understand and decipher the real world I live in makes these simple, virtual emotions even sweeter.  The people that make these games are smart, They know what makes me tick.  What makes me scared, excited, panicked, proud and sad.  They use these emotions to train me to survive in the worlds they create.

As Real as Your Life (Original Cut) from Michael Highland on Vimeo.

Michael Highland discusses the way virtual violence is increasingly mimicking that of the real world, with real violence often reflecting methods used within video games.  Highland believes the increasing amount of time spent in the virtual world allows gamers to form emotional bonds with virtual characters.  The use of repetition and real-life situations in gaming creates survival instincts within the brain.  Once purely virtual, these survival instincts begin to arise in real-life situations, making video games a most effective tool for propaganda and ‘brain reprogramming’.  Highland believes that video games’ significant influence over people’s brain functions can be used to educate people for the better, but warns: “Be careful what you play, and what your game might be wiring into you.”

Source TrendONE, PSFK, As Real as Your Life (Original Cut) from Michael Highland on Vimeo.

Michael Highland - As Real As Your Life / games and experience

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sony запускает виртуальную вселенную Home

Спустя почти полтора года после анонса, Sony Computer Entertainment наконец-то завершила подготовку своего самого масштабного проекта. На завтра назначен релиз виртуальной игровой вселенной Home. Данная разработка, по задумке Sony, станет ключевым местом встреч, общения и игр владельцев игровых консолей Playstation 3. Концептуально, "Дом" производства Sony будет представлять собой классическое смешение стилей - здесь будут присутствовать элементы из Second Life с одной стороны, из Microsoft Xbox Live с другой, и социальных сетей, таких как Facebook, с третьей. Читать дальше
Source CyberSecurity

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Puma City: World’s First Large Scale Mobile Building

Create an 11,000 square foot building that contains a retail store, lounge, event space, and offices. And by the way, the building needs to be assembled and disassembled a number of times at different harbor sites around the world over the span of a year. That’s the challenge that NYC based architects LOT-EK faced when they began work on the Puma City project. The building is traveling around the world with the 70-foot long Puma sailing boat - il Mostro - which is competing in the 2008 Volvo Ocean Race.

Their solution started with using a material they are fond of and have lots of experience working with, shipping containers. The team fitted out 24 containers. But the issue of the building being assembled in a variety of countries presented the biggest challenges. It had to adhere to the international building code. The plug-in electrical and heating and air-conditioning needed to be adaptable to the region. And the assembly needed to be easy enough that crews around the world speaking different languages could assist. Puma City’s next stop is at Boston harbor in early May 2009.

Source PSFK

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Make Your Own Xmas

The wooden structure of the tree is made of recycled and reclaimed materials including sandwich board and an oil drum. Eight different bicycles are fixed in stands around the base, each holding a generator that is connected to a set of lights on the tree. Visitors are encouraged to help bring the tree to life by providing the pedal-power to illuminate the tree.

Measuring 36 feet, this year’s tree is the tallest in the program’s twenty-one year history. It will be on display in the Rotunda through January 4th.

Source PSFK

Monday, December 8, 2008

Faux Rockstar!

Source TrendhunterTV

Amsterdam PICNIC08 Trendmap

Trends are diverse and multidimensional. Trendonomy developed a solution to capture and display trend data using a dynamic map. For PICNIC08 Trendonomy conducted interviews with conference participants to find out about their trend ideas and to visualize their consolidated view on a map. View PICNIC trend map.

All contributed trends have been evaluated in respect to the forces (drivers) they are influenced by.

This evaluation helps to clearly position each trend on the map. Here we are sharing the outcome of the conducted interviews after 3 days PICNIC.

At a first glance it is conspicuous that the PICNIC Trend Map is dominated by trends on the technological hemisphere; only 20% are located at the societal hemisphere.

As the main theme of PICNIC’08 was Collaborative Creativity, it is probably no surprise that most trends were posted in the Trend Groups of CONNECTIVITY, INTERACTION and NEW MEDIA CONSUMPTION bearing a respectable isle.

Taking a closer look at this isle it is fascinating to see that CONNECTIVITY and its related trends seem to have an effect on the trends of NEW MEDIA CONSUMPTION and vice versa.

As the “chicken or the egg causality” it is hard to say what originally gave rise to the other – the technological enablement or the need and desire to get connected. However, the trends of the PICNIC Trend Map reflect a certain desire out there to share thoughts, ideas, pictures, films, music and creativity – new technology makes it happen.

The second biggest isle is determined by the Trend Group SUSTAINABILTY located at the societal hemisphere reflecting one of the most obvious tensions in today’s society. The trends appearing in this isle are all about responsibility, value orientation and “doing good”. A cool example is “carrotmob” (consumption as activism) were consumers are organized to make purchases that give financial rewards to those businesses who agree to make socially beneficial choices.

Thanks to the well informed PICNIC crowd all posted trends show news value and are described with meaningful up-to-date examples such as the “Adwall” (social computer interaction) you probably came across at the PICNIC or the “Meshes” a nice example for interactive art.

Source Amsterdam PICNIC08

Thursday, December 4, 2008

IBM have released this video with their suggestions on 5 so-called amazing innovations we’ll see by 2013

It lacks imagination, progression and inspiration. With dodgy predictions the video feels like one of those 50s reels that presented what the future would look like. Or maybe it’s just me.

The wonder predictions (and PSFK’s reaction) are:

-Energy saving solar technology printed and stuck onto asphalt, paint and windows (and then it will peel off in the baking sun)
-A crystal ball to help you monitor health (Your doctor will still be referring you to a specialist just in case anyway)
- We will talk to the Web . . . and the Web will talk back (We refuse to comment on this. Stunned into silence.)
-We will have our own digital shopping assistants (What about all the assistants available right now?)
-Forgetting will become a distant memory via smart appliances in every area of the home and office (Sure. Just like we all use the To Do tool on MS Outlook)

Source IBM

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

YouTube to Create Global Orchestra Online

YouTube’s latest venture is a good example of new approaches to collaboration: an endeavor to engage musicians from all over the world and create the first global symphony orchestra in the process.  Although grand in scope, the concept’s success relies on individual participation. To that end, musicians of all types are asked to record themselves playing any classical selection of their choosing, along with a piece written specifically for this project by composer Tan Dun entitled “The Internet Symphony”.  All videos of the original composition will then be rolled into one collective performance to generate the global event. Contributors are given the opportunity to download sheet music and rehearse with a conductor online. As an added incentive, the best entrants (as voted on by the larger community) will be invited to a 3-day summit that culminates in a live concert held at Carnegie Hall. Submissions are being accepted through January 28.  Details and tutorials are available on YouTube’s microsite.
Source ReadWriteWeb

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Kevin Kelly On Technology As The 7th Kingdom Of Life

There’s a video from the O’Reilly group where Joshua-Michele Ross interviews Kevin Kelly. Kelly discusses the rise of large scale co-operation and the similarity between technology and biology. A couple of quotes:

Socialism 2.0. We don’t have very good terms for what we’re seeing. Collectivism, communism, socialism which have negative connotations in American politics but in fact that’s what a lot of this is: Cooperation on a large scale. Elevating the common collective good and the individual at the same time. That’s the difference with communism which was about bring everyone down to a level.

…What does technology want? It wants us to be happy, it wants our co-operation. Right ow we’re the sexual organs of technology. It wants increasing diversity, increasing complexity, increasing energy density (efficiency), increasing specialization… The patterns that we see technology follows are the same patterns biology and evolution follows. In biology there is extinction, in technology we find that ideas and technologies remain and they are very hard to extinguish… There is almost no extinct technologies.

Source Radar O’Reilly & PSFK

Workshop: Good Ideas in 2009 in Collaboration

 This Tuesday 02/12/2008, PSFK took our Good Idea Salon, where a packed audience sat in on our panel discussion about collaboration. Moderated by Colin Nagy (Attention/PSFK), the panel discussed innovations in how businesses, organizations and ordinary people are working together.  The panel included Amit Gupta (Jelly/Photojojo), Andrew Hoppin (NASA), John Geraci (Outside.In/DIYCity), and Matthew Stinchcomb (Etsy).
Source PSFK

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

В новом отчете Центра цифровых технологий будущего говорится, что в ряде стран мира доступ к интернету уже имеют около 100% детей от 12 до 14 лет.

Центр цифровых технологий будущего (Center for the Digital Future) опубликовал результаты нового опроса молодых людей в возрасте от 12 до 14 лет из 13 стран мира о доступе в интернет. По доступности интернета для молодежи лидирует Великобритания - там Сетью пользуются 100% опрошенных. На втором месте Израиль - 98%. Далее идут Чехия и Макао (по 96%), а также Канада (95%). США оказались только на шестом месте - 88% респондентов заявили, что имеют доступ к Сети.

В рамках данного исследования, сотрудники университета Южной Калифорнии опросили более 25 тыс. молодых людей в странах Азии, Северной и Южной Америки, Европы и Австралии и период с начала 2007 г. по 2008 г.

Среди пользователей старше 18 лет, по доступности интернета лидируют Швеция, Новая Зеландия, Канада и США, передает CNews.

Также в отчете говорится, что мобильные телефоны для доступа в Сеть использует очень малое количество опрошенных во всех странах, за исключением Британии. Многие аналитики прогнозируют быстрый рост популярности мобильного интернета среди пользователей. Особенно он будет заметен в Юго-Восточной Азии и Африке.

Source BYBANNER.COM & Center for the Digital Future

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

TV, computer or cell phone?

Source IBM Institute for Business Value   

Monday, November 24, 2008

И так все понятноИ так все понятно

Современные дети не читают инструкции к бытовым приборам и гаджетам, а ответы на домашнее задание ищут на интернет-форумах

Родившиеся в середине 1990-х годов и позднее — первое поколение, сформировавшееся в эпоху широкого распространения интернета и мобильных средств связи. Далее

Эта статья в блогах[?]

SearchWiki: Users to Edit Google Search Results

Google unveiled SearchWiki, a feature which lets users improve the site’s effectiveness by editing search algorithms. SearchWiki allows users to re-rank, delete, add, and comment on search results.  You can move search results up in relevance by selecting the arrow-up icon next to the result title.  The ‘X’ button deletes links that are irrelevant to the user.  Edits will not effect Google’s website ranking results, but instead allow users to tailor their personal own search results.  Users will have to log in to use the search-editing feature, with changes stored in your Google account and made effective in following Google searches.  Users can also access the community’s search edits and comments by selecting the ‘See all notes for this SearchWiki’ feature.  Google explains:

This new feature is an example of how search is becoming increasingly dynamic, giving people tools that make search even more useful to them in their daily lives. We have been testing bits and pieces of SearchWiki for some time through live experiments, and we incorporated much of our learnings into this release.

SeachWiki: make search your own

Source Sydney Morning Herald

Все, что происходит в мире, — на одной странице

Видимо, именно таким представляли будущее в 1960-х годах. Перейдите на адрес страницы - и вы окажетесь в теплой дружественной среде виджетов. Страница Now представляет собой огромную виртуальную панель приборов, отображающую самые различные данные о том, что сейчас происходит в мире.

Некоторые позиции могут оказаться по-настоящему полезными, однако в большинстве своем там представлена информация из разряда "это интересно". На странице видно, сколько человек сейчас сидят в застрявшем лифте, сколько за сегодня было пересажено органов, а также сколько на сегодняшний день известно обитаемых планет: почему-то всего одна.

Подключив веб-камеру, вы также сможете увидеть среди всего этого информационного изобилия и свое удивленное лицо, с интересом наблюдающее за происходящим. Главное — не выводите регулятор громкости на максимум, поскольку робот за кадром будет неустанно делать пояснения относительно происходящего на экране. 

Страница принадлежит американскому оператору связи Sprint.

Source Mobile Device

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Future of Storytelling

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Laboratory in collaboration with several former Hollywood Executives opened the “Center for Future Storytelling” yesterday. Concerned that the traditional narrative in film - beginning, middle and end - is in danger of becoming obsolete, the Center plans to study the societal trends that are fueling these worries.

Its mission is not small. “The idea, as we move forward with 21st-century storytelling, is to try to keep meaning alive,” said David Kirkpatrick, a founder of the new venture.

Mr. Kirkpatrick and company are not alone in their belief that Hollywood’s ability to tell a meaningful story has been nibbled at by text messages, interrupted by cellphone calls and supplanted by everything from Twitter to Guitar Hero.

Along with the our culture of clutter, the group cites the tendency within the movie industry to favor franchise series that seemingly never end and proven stories that can be adapted for the big screen over original narratives. Furthermore, big films with underdeveloped plots are increasingly being hurried into production to meet release deadlines. Add in a greater reliance on digitalization and effects to compensate for a lack of content and the group sees the future of narratives to be in doubt. However, the Sundance Institute is not ready to signal the death knell just yet. Their upcoming festival in early 2009 will even feature that story as its theme.

“Storytelling is flourishing in the world at a level I can’t even begin to understand,” said Ken Brecher, the institute’s executive director. Mr. Brecher spoke last week, as his colleagues continued sorting through 9,000 films — again, a record — that have been submitted for the coming Sundance Film Festival.

If anything, Mr. Brecher added, technology has simply brought mass storytelling, on film or otherwise, to people who once thought Hollywood had cornered the business.

Regardless of which side you fall on, there’s no question that the landscape in which we now find ourselves is changing our expectations and consumption of narratives. Whether functioning as an escape mechanism or a reflection of our lives, its fluid nature should guarantee its continued evolution alongside of us.

Source PSFK via NY Times 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Uniqlo Heat Tech Human Vending Machine

Let's o check out Uniqlo’s Human Vending Machine for their HEATTECH apparel line. The booth was set up on a narrow concrete island. There were tons of people already in line to get to the free stuff. Prior to reaching the booth, there was a ’scanning station’ manned with a Uniqlo associate with a hand held thermal camera. Each person’s heat image showed up on an adjacent screen and identified their core body temperature.

After that, visitors proceeded to either a male or female dispenser who were giving away the HEATTECH gear. The reasonably priced line claims to offer warmth from a very thin material. Shirts cost just over $10.


В Нью-Йорке анонимные либералы сделали фальшивый выпуск New York Times за 4 июля 2009-го с разными оруэлловскими новостями про счастливую лево-радикальную Америку будущего: война в Ираке закончена, нефтяные компании национализированы, Буша судят за государственную измену, и вот прекрасное — Гарвад закрыл бизнес-школу, потому что никто не хочет учиться на портфельного инвестора, все хотят быть слесарями и художниками, видимо. Бумажную версию якобы раздали тиражом в миллион с лишним экз. (больше, чем у настоящего NY Times, так что скорее всего привирают).

Source Gothamist

G-Speak: Gesture Based Computing

Oblong Industries are the creators of the mind-blowing g-speak spatial operating system (think Minority Report). Using a sleek set of gloves as the interface control, users can use gestures to manipulate objects and data with ease. Check out the astounding video below.
Source Gizmodo

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rerearch bringing together the voices of people from all religions

Join the world at www.charterforcompassion.org to write the Charter for Compassion. The Charter brings together the voices of people from all religions. It seeks to remind the world that while all faiths are not the same, they all share the core principle of compassion and the Golden Rule. The Charter will change the tenor of the conversation ...
Source TED

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The 50 best inventions from 2008

Time Magazine has released their annual list of the 50 best inventions from 2008. It’s a great overview of recent innovation, and even if you’re well versed in the field, something interesting should catch your eye. Although the ranking does not make a whole lot of sense (Hulu.com is at number 4, sandwiched between The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and The Large Hadron Collider) - the selection overall is stellar.

Start from the beginning here, or check out the complete list.

Source TIME Magazine, PSFK

From Cave Paintings to the Interneе

Kottke points us to an eye-opening interactive timeline of developments in information and media through the years. “From Cave Paintings to the Internet” is an on-going project that recounts the major advances in areas ranging from computing to book publishing to imaging, from 70,000 BCE to today. The tool was borne from the creator’s 2005 book, From Gutenberg to the Internet, a run-through the history of computing, networking and telecommunications.

From Cave Paintings to the Internet

Source historyofscience.com, PSFK 

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Jared Diamond: Why societies collapse

Why do societies fail? With lessons from the Norse of Iron Age Greenland, deforested Easter Island and present-day Montana, Jared Diamond talks about the signs that collapse is near, and how -- if we see it in time -- we can prevent it.

Source TED

Видеогеймеры — более ценные потребители

Люди, которые активно играют в видеоигры, являются более ценными потребителями, чем те, кто играми не увлекается, — утверждают в IGN Entertainment и Ipsos Media CT. Исследование потребительских привычек видеогеймеров «Are You Game?» (PDF) было проведено в июне 2008 года Ipsos MediaCT среди 3 тыс. пользователей Сети в возрасте от 12 до 54 лет. Выдержки из него приводит Marketing Charts. Подробнее здесь
Источник МедиаРеволюция

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Scarcity and Abundance: The Short Form and the Long Now

We've discussed new communication issue eaelier in IQblog: Our Old Language. Now Frog design has an interesting blog post which poses the question “How do we maintain a balance between instant gratifacation and sustainability?” They wonder what kind of correlation there is between how we communicate and how we manage resources (time, mental, physical). Are the thinking and actions behind micro blogging and quick, short communication - totally in the”now”, chipping away at the valuable ideals behind deeper writing, long term projects and sustainable planning for the future? Fascinating and important ideas to ponder here.

They explain:

Micro-blogging diversifies meaning into myriad atoms of communication, a hyper-targeted in-the-moment form of looking at the world by expressing it in real-time. Sustainable stewardship of nature’s scarce resources requires the exact opposite: a holistic, systemic view on the world, and big-picture thinking beyond instant gratification and self-actualization – both of which based on the insight that the “Future” will not happen if we only think about the “Now.” Philosophically speaking, aren’t speed-dating and sustainability diametrically opposed? And practically speaking, if we’re serious about sustainable solutions in housing, infrastructure, product design, and other areas, don’t we have to start with our day-to-day communications? If “Now is Gone” (Geoff Livingston) – how will we ever secure the “The Long Now” (Alexander Rose)?

Of course you could flip the argument and argue that imposing strict structural constraints on communications (as micro-blogging does) can help us recognize and responsibly deal with the scarcity of environmental resources. But that’s only half the truth. The irony is that the more sliced down the content, the more abundant the channels of communication; the shorter the attention span, the more abundant the volume of micro-formats. So how do we as digital citizens stay focused on the future under the tyranny of permanent distraction? How can we pay attention to the big issues, if attention is becoming an ever more scarce resource in a flood of abundant, ubiquitous micro-communications? Or can we perhaps find a way to utilize both scarcity of attention and abundance of communication for managing natural resources?

Source Frog design, PSFK


Comtinuing emerging issue from IQblog: The future of cities. John Geraci, creator of Outside.In, recently introduced us to his latest project, DIYcity, a site and online-offline community devoted to “finding ways people can make their cities work better with the use of emerging web technologies.” DIYcity asks users to share their ideas on how to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability in their cities through user-built web applications (i.e. apps built on Twitter, Google Maps mash-ups, etc). Anyone in the community can submit problems they see within their cities, which others are then encouraged to suggest solutions for and/or develop apps to help alleviate them. The site just launched and is still building its network, but we love the idea and look forward to seeing how it develops. If you’re in the NYC area, check out the DIY New York City group and we’ll see you at the first meet up.


WASHINGTON, DC: Following sustained criticism of their craven compliance with personal information demands by totalitarian regimes, the planet's dominant web trio –Google, Yahoo and Microsoft – have  adopted a new code of conduct drafted by a group that includes human rights organizations 

Members of Congress and democratic rights organizations worldwide have condemned the companies for supplying personal information to authoritarian governments.

Yahoo, in particular, faced questioning by Congress last year for surrendering emails that led to the imprisonment of Chinese dissidents. 

The new code, titled the Global Network Initiative, comprises a set of principles drafted over the past two years. They undertake to . . . 

  • Protect the personal information of their users wherever they do business; 
  • "Narrowly interpret and implement government demands that compromise privacy," as defined by the code; 
  • Scrutinize a country's track record of jeopardizing personal information and freedom of expression before launching new businesses in that country; 
  • Discuss all such risks widely with executives and board members of a signatory company.
Says Google's director of corporate and policy communications Robert Boorstin: "Common action by these diverse groups is more likely to bring about change in government policy than the efforts of any one company or group acting alone." 

While Yahoo ceo Jerry Yang [in what might be a valedictory message] hailed the new principles as "a valuable roadmap that will help ensure that technology and the internet continue to help improve people's lives". 

But dissenting voices say the code does not go far enough. "More serious questions have to be asked about [a participating]  company's legal obligations," argues Morton Sklar, US executive director of theWorld Organization for Human Rights

Sklar wants the code to address whether internet companies are violating US or international laws by complying with requests from certain governments.

Data sourced by WARC from Wall Street Journal Online; additional content by WARC staff, 29 October 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Find the answers to 15 pressing trend questions you’re facing

More on trendwatching.com

Art of OR's

Street artist Invader has covered a large portion of the planet with his iconic video game inspired pixel art characters. He’s installed his tile based artworks in at least 40 cities and 30 countries. These missions aren’t just quick bombing runs either. Invader spends 2-3 weeks in each location placing little invaders in strategic locations. He’s recently branched out into creating large QR Code murals. The juxtaposition of black and white tiles echo his classic invader characters and combine hi-tech digital codes with the very low-tech ceramic tiles. When scanned, the pieces give out hidden messages like “This is an invasion”.

Video interview with the masked Invader below.

More info about this artist here

Source PSFK

Home Sweet Office: Telecommute Good for Business, Employees, and Planet

Ever since OPEC vexed Jimmy Carter into wearing a cardigan, telecommuting has been touted as a fix for what ails the US office worker — the agony and expense of commuting, the drudgery of cubicles, the shortage of family time.  Situation in Russia IQblog: Вне зоны офиса. 

Read more.

Source WIRED, Brendan I. Koerner (brendan_koerner@wired.comis Wired's Mr. Know-It-All.

Multi-Touch Without a Touch Screen vs. Apple

Microsoft has stepped up with a challenge to the Apple iPhone’s lauded multi-touch interface. The PC maker released their innovative SideSight system last week at the User Interface in Software and Technology Symposium. The technology allows users to control actions on a cell phone screen by moving their fingers along side the device. Infrared sensors pick up motions up to 10 centimeters away and translate them into movement on the screen.
Source PSFK

Monday, October 27, 2008

Продолжение нашего совместного проекта с OMI и журналом "Секрет Фирмы": Пятьдесят лет выдержки

В представлении маркетологов человек старше 55 лет неплатежеспособен и поглощен двумя страстями — здоровьем и дачными грядками. Исследование "Секрета фирмы", IQ marketing и OMI (Online Market Intelligence) развенчало эти мифы.

Ягодка опять 
У героини Веры Алентовой из фильма "Москва слезам не верит" жизнь началась в 40 лет. У Нины Артамоновой, учительницы английского из Москвы — в 52 года. 

Когда закрылась частная школа, в которой она преподавала последние восемь лет, Нина Михайловна расстроилась — "всего три года до пенсии, а тут такая напасть". Но вскоре поняла, что теперь может позволить себе то, до чего не доходили руки в 20, 30 и 40 лет. "Раньше я растворялась в воспитании детей, работе и хлопотах по хозяйству. А после пятидесяти неожиданно получила массу свободного времени и зажила активно",— говорит она. 

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